You’ve now had an entire week to work on the list of people who have impacted your life.  I’m very curious about your experience as you have reminisced over the previous years. As I made my list back in 2017 when God first gave me this idea, it was so much fun, yet emotional, to look back over my lifespan and remember all of the people who have helped shape me into who I am today.

Now, here is the Challenge:  Over the next several months, we are going to contact each person on our lists and show them honor by letting them know how they have influenced our lives.  It’s best not to rush this process. Contacting every person this week won’t allow ample time and energy to be put into each person. Furthermore, doing things too quickly may cause burn out and could hinder us from following through.  Instead, let’s reach out to one person per week. Give them a call, send them a card, make them a video, mail them a handwritten letter, take them out for coffee or lunch, have flowers delivered with a thank you card, bake them cookies,…get creative!  And give them specifics. Don’t just tell them that they have impacted your life. Explain HOW they have done so.  As you follow through with this, remember, we are looking outside of ourselves which means this may be uncomfortable at first and it may not conveniently fit into our normal schedules.  I will be participating in this by featuring one person a week in my posts. I plan at this point to post on Mondays until I get into a good rhythm, but I’m hoping to soon increase that to 2-3 times a week.

Here is the second part of the challenge that I hope you will all do. After contacting whomever you choose for the week, head over to the Don’t Wait Facebook page, which can be found right HERE, and fill us (the Don’t Wait Facebook community) in.  Let us know who you contacted and how you chose to do so.  Share as little or as much information with us as you are comfortable with.  And feel free to let us know how your interaction went. It will be so rewarding for each of us to share the responses that we receive.  

I’d love to see this catch on.  Share this challenge with your friends and family.  Let’s reach outside of ourselves and stop focusing on our own lives.  Our society has been taken over by technology which enables us to keep human contact to a minimum as we sit in our comfortable bubbles.  But, we were created for community! So, let’s change that around and encourage people instead. Let’s get our faces out of our screens, interact with these influential people in our lives, and show them love and honor.  

 I am excited to hear your stories.  Remember, contact your first person this week and then let us know how it goes on our Facebook page.  And whatever you do, DON’T WAIT until they’re gone!

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