Welcome to Don’t Wait! I am Kendra, the wife of Earl and the mom to Solomon, Daelyn, Darby, and Sekai.  I am a follower of Jesus and am daily saved by his Grace. I am a busy, homeschool momma who enjoys spending time with my family and friends.

This blog is coming from a lifetime of victories, pain, loss, mountains, and valleys.  I’ve prayed for sometime about what to do with all that I’ve learned and God has made it clear to me that this is the path I am to go down.  I am excited, yet scared. Putting myself out there in a vulnerable way is in some ways terrifying, but God has reminded me that just as He said to Moses, “Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say,” he will do the same for me.

I am looking forward to sharing my story with you.  As a seasoned wife of 26 years, a mom of 21 years, and a lifetime follower of Christ, I’ve learned many things along the way.  I’m a firm believer in sharing openly in order to encourage others as they walk their journeys. Life is short and I’m slowly learning the very valuable lesson of “Don’t Wait!” Don’t wait to spend time with your spouse, your children, your loved ones, your friends.  Don’t wait to set a new goal, learn something new, or take that trip you’ve been wanting to take. Don’t wait to dig deeper in your faith and learn to love the way Jesus loves.

Thank you for checking out my blog.  I look forward to being a part of a community that openly shares their stories.