I’ve gotten some texts today from friends telling me that after homeschooling their children for 2 days, they think I’m amazing and don’t know how I’ve homeschooled my children for the last 16 years.  While the compliments are kind, let me assure you that YOU are the ones that are amazing. I’ll tell you why.

1.  As a homeschool mom, I have all summer and every weekend to look over my children’s work for the year.  I can review, look over lessons, do my research, and plan for the year in a way that works for our family.  You, on the other hand, found out on Sunday that your children’s school was closed and on Monday morning your schooling at home began.  You had no time to plan and prepare.

2.  In a normal homeschool scenario, your child would have tons of classes to pick from at various places such as museums, churches, the zoo, and learning centers.  They could take classes in photography, engineering, writing, or science courses. They could play sports and take cooking, music, and art classes. They could go on field trips, play dates, and join chess clubs.  The sky’s the limit for these guys and we typically have to set a limit on outside activities or we’d never be home. But, you’ve been thrown into a situation where you are pretty much quarantined to your house, so you have no outlet during the day or in the evenings. You can’t take your kids to their usual dance classes or sports practices.  You. Are. Home. Period.

3.  We homeschool moms have had all year to learn along with our kids.  We’ve worked through all of the steps needed to solve that math problem and we know exactly how their curriculum is laid out.  You have not had that advantage. You are jumping into the middle of the school year and have missed the 6 ½ months leading up to this.  So, you’re scrambling to figure everything out.

4.  When I order my curriculum in the summer, I have the advantage of ordering a teacher’s edition if I so desire.  This way, I can teach the lesson (or at least refer to the lesson) and actually have the answers once my kids are finished with their work.  You, on the other hand, do not have that. You probably feel as if you’ve been thrown to the wolves as you try to remember what a prepositional phrase or gerund is.

5.  While homeschooling can be stressful, on any normal day, it’s nothing compared to the level of stress you are all facing.  Currently, our country is in a state that has everyone feeling like their life is upside down. You are dealing with your own emotions along with your children’s and that’s a lot to handle.

In other words, your circumstances are way different than mine.  You are at a serious disadvantage. So, if you’ve made it the last 2 days, you’re amazing!  I’ve seen several Facebook posts from moms who are scrambling to figure all of this out. Let me pass on a few tips that may help.

  1.  I’ve heard several of you say that your kids want to stick to their normal school schedule and get upset if a subject doesn’t take as long as it does at school.  Your homeschool day should not take as long as a regular school day because there are several things you are cutting out. You don’t have to wait for the entire class to line up, bathroom breaks, water breaks, changing classes, and so on.  Most importantly, they are no longer having to wait for an entire class of students to finish work. Once your child is finished and you know they understand, you can move on.  
  2. Our first few weeks of school are always rough.  It takes us a while to get into a groove and figure out exactly how our day should go.  If you or your child have been super emotional or frustrated, that’s totally normal. Give yourself a few weeks to figure things out and to find the schedule that works the best for you.  And if you lose your cool, apologize and move on. We all lash out at times.
  3. Make sure you are taking care of yourself.  Get up a little early for some quiet time before the busyness of the day begins.  Go for a run or walk after school. Put an educational show on for the kids and rest on the couch.  Get everyone in bed on time so you can get a halfway decent night of sleep (if there is such a thing for parents).  
  4. Take breaks!!!  Don’t try to sit for hours on end as you work your way through each child’s work.  You’ll burn out quickly. A ten-minute break can do everyone some good.
  5.  Your doubts are normal.  Am I covering everything with my children that I need to?  Do they fully understand? Are they going to get behind? How will they transition back into school?  All you can do is your best! Pray for strength and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
  6. Help your child work through their emotions.  This is probably your most important role right now.  I’ve loved having my children at home during emotional times in life such as the loss of grandparents.  I can stop what we’re doing and answer questions or console them as they work through their feelings. I know that most teachers are AMAZING at helping their students work through tough times in life.  But, no one knows your child like you. And can you imagine trying to help 20 students work through the emotions that they’re feeling right now? I’ve definitely seen a difference in some of my kids in the last few days.  Children often don’t know how to verbalize their feelings, so they may act out in weird ways. Your children are right where they need to be in the place they feel the safest and that’s right with you.
  7. I was asked today how I get anything else done during the day.  My answer? I don’t. I may get a few dishes in the dishwasher or one load of laundry put in the washing machine, but that’s about it.  My laundry piles up, the bathroom is never spotless, and my countertops are cluttered. I’ve learned to let some stuff go and give chores to my kids so my head stays above water.  They come first right now. In a few years, they will be gone and I’ll have plenty of time to clean.

As you navigate the next several weeks, just know that you have been assigned a huge undertaking.  Don’t judge homeschooling based on this experience. You have it much harder than those of us who homeschool on a regular basis.  I feel for you because our school days are pretty normal right now. Yours are not. Ask God for strength. He will give you exactly what you need.  And whatever you do, DON’T WAIT!!!